Go to HMH Engineering
HMH Engineering
HMH Engineering builds fantastic software to meet the challenges facing teachers and learners. We enable and support a wide range of next-generation learning experiences, designing and building apps and services used daily by millions of students and educators across the USA.
Note from the editor

HMH Engineering builds fantastic software to meet the challenges facing teachers and learners. We enable and support a wide range of next-generation learning experiences, designing and building apps and services used daily by millions of students and educators across the USA.

Go to the profile of Paul Bernard
Paul Bernard
SVP, Chief Architect Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Go to the profile of Brendan Donegan
Brendan Donegan
Software Engineer by trade, husband and father otherwise. Keen home cook.
Go to the profile of Kris Iyer
Kris Iyer
Principal Architect @ HMHCo
Go to the profile of Paul Bernard
Paul Bernard
SVP, Chief Architect
Go to the profile of Kris Iyer
Kris Iyer
Principal Architect @ HMHCo
Go to the profile of Graeme Taylor
Graeme Taylor
Former QA now JS developer with a hint of QA. Play guard for West Dublin Rhino’s. Current IAFL1 Champs.
Go to the profile of Dominique Rochefort
Go to the profile of Kevin McGarry
Go to the profile of Padraig OhIceadha
Padraig OhIceadha
Senior Architect at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Member of the IMSGlobal Technical Advisory Board, co-author of many specs for Security, QTI, PCI, LTI…
Go to the profile of Sarah Flanagan
Sarah Flanagan
Software Engineer. Any-weather cyclist. Serial (cereal) snacker.
Go to the profile of Colette Heanue
Colette Heanue
Agile Delivery at HMH Engineering Dublin.
Go to the profile of Mohammed Nasiruddin
Mohammed Nasiruddin
Passionate Software Engineer, Interested in Java, Microservices, Event-Driven Pattern, RxJava, Docker … to quantum computing
Go to the profile of Perumal Kuppuudaiyar
Perumal Kuppuudaiyar
Sr. Software Engineer at HMH, Dublin
Go to the profile of Dennis Kenny
Go to the profile of Brendan Donegan
Brendan Donegan
Software Engineer by trade, husband and father otherwise. Keen home cook.
Go to the profile of Mickael Meausoone
Mickael Meausoone
Senior Software Engineer, JavaScript and web tech in general, curious and likes playing with code. Will code for chocolate.
Go to the profile of Sasha Mandich
Go to the profile of Robert Foskin
Robert Foskin
Senior Software Engineer
Go to the profile of Jonathan Dawson
Jonathan Dawson
Senior Solution Architect and General Techie
Go to the profile of Patrick Veasey